ICTS is inviting proposals for programs of length 2 weeks or more to be held during the period 1 April 2026 to 30 September 2026. The deadline for submitting the proposals for this period will now be accepted until 15 January 2025. All the proposals will be reviewed by the program committee and the results will be announced in February 2025. 

Here are the detailed guidelines for writing program proposals, which the organizers are encouraged to read.

The proposal should be uploaded as a single pdf file. The following is a checklist of all the mandatory details that are required. The proposal must contain all these details. Incomplete submissions will be returned within a week. Organizers will be given the option to resubmit their proposal within a week after it is returned. 

  • Program name

  • Names of organizers along with their affiliations and email addresses

  • Name of one organizer who should be the key contact person

  • Proposed duration (2 weeks or more) 

  • Preferred dates (give upto three well-separated choices - this will give us flexibility for assigning an available slot for you). 

    • Please note that Saturdays and Sundays are not official working days for the program as these are off days at the Centre. However, activities like tutorials, group discussions, etc. that do not require program support staff may be organised.

  • Brief description of the proposed program. This should explain the scientific aims of the program. It should emphasize its strengths and its timeliness (this should not exceed 2 pages)

  • A list of recent or upcoming programs at ICTS or elsewhere that the proposed program has overlap with. Mention if this program is part of a regular series. 

  • Detailed description of program: This should describe the detailed plan of the proposed program with information on

    • Topics to be covered

    • Details of planned pedagogic activities

    • A tentative schedule of the planned activities of the program

    • List of invited participants from the international community and from India. It is desirable that at least some key participants (especially those giving a set of lectures) should have been contacted and have shown an expression of interest. 

  • Diversity Statement: ICTS is committed to inclusivity. We expect that organizers of ICTS programs will actively incorporate this aspect from the planning stage of the proposal itself, starting with the list of organizers and speakers.  They should actively seek balance in participation, specifically addressing under-represented groups, including gender. Additionally, we would like program participants to be drawn from geographically diverse regions, both at the national level (including the Northeastern states, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh), as well as at the international level.
    You are required to include, in your proposal,  a paragraph describing your efforts at ensuring adequate gender, regional and institutional balance in the selection of speakers and participants.

  • Participant details: specify the expected number of 

    • Invited speakers (Total and numbers each week)

    • Other participants (Total and number each week, with break up of number of students, postdocs and faculties)

  • Accommodation requirements (Number of single and double occupancies)

  • Approved programs will receive appropriate financial and administrative support from ICTS. ICTS encourages organisers to bring in additional financial support, especially for international travel of foreign speakers and participants, for a more optimal utilisation of ICTS resources. Organizers should provide details of any such additional sources of financial support for the program that they expect to bring in. Mention the budget headings for which these funds can be used (e.g travel, local expenses, etc.)


Prospective program organizers can submit proposals by filling up the form below. The receipt of application will be immediately acknowledged.

  • Current Start
  • Preview
  • Complete
An acknowledgment email will be sent to this email address.
Type of Program
Mode of Program
Re-order First Name Last Name Affiliation Email Weight Operations

Proposal Format (Click here to view a proposal template).

(Please ensure that all items in the checklist have been entered) *

One file only.
4 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
Submission checklist
Please ensure that you have included all essentials in your proposal before submitting it.